Well folks, as noted in my post about sleep apnea…well, I have sleep apnea. Duh. The very best option for me is something called the Piller procedure, but since I lack the $2400 in up-front money, I have to go with Door #2. Unless, of course, you elect to help a brotha out.

If you like, you could donate to a wonderful cause – Buy Damian Some Soft Palette Inserts So He’ll Stop Snoring and Start Breathing! I’ve set up this nifty PayPal button that will allow you to donate some funds to my cause. If I raise enough capital, I’ll have the procedure, and sleep better forever. If I don’t, I’ll use the money to buy a new bass or a new amplifier. Hey, at least I’m up front about it. But I WILL put every contributor’s name on this page as an homage to their patronage, and I might even say something nice about them. But I ain’t giving the cash back, so take heed of that when – I mean IF – you donate. The money will be put to excellent use no matter what. You’ll either be in my mouth, or in my hands onstage.

And damn, that sounds dirty.

Anyway, click here if you’d like to contribute. My soft palette thanks you tremendously.